张学良是对 2 0世纪中国历史有重要影响的人物 ,他关于一些重大历史事件的回忆有重要的参考价值 ,但不能以此作为历史记载的根据。以张学良自述为基础写成的《张学良世纪传奇》一书由于在史料选择上过分偏重张学良本人的回忆 ,因而在“九·一八”不抵抗、“西安事变”等历史事件的记述上和大量第一手资料显示的历史真相存在距离。这提醒我们 ,历史回忆不等于历史真实 。
ZHANG Xue liang is an important person in modern China. His memory is of great value, but it isn't equal to the facts. Due to rely too much on ZHANG Xue liang's own words, the book of ZHANG Xue liang's Legend of 20th Century is not as true as fact. It reminds us that the memory isn't equal to fact for anyone.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)