目的 :了解二级生物滤池对生活污水理化性状的影响。方法 :于污水处理前及第一、第二个生物滤池处理后分别取水样 ,测定悬浮物、 CODcr (化学耗氧量 )、 BOD5(五日生化需氧量 )、氨氮等指标 ,观察处理前后浓度的变化情况。结果 :生活污水经第一个生物滤池处理后所测定的各项指标其浓度均有明显的下降 ,P值均 <0 .0 1。结论
Objective:To learn the effect of biological filtration on physico chemical indexes of wastewater.Methods:The samples of wastewater were taken respectively after treated by first stage filtration and second stage and before. The sludge suspended particles, CODcr, BOD 5, ammonia and N were determined.Results:Indexes of wastewater decreased significantly purified by the first stage biological filtration. The water treated by the second stage became purer.Conclusion:Good effect of purification of wastewater through the first stage biological filtration can be achieved.
Modern Preventive Medicine