研制了ZGC35C型渣罐运输车,并采用作图法和编程计算法对其动力传动系统进行传动匹配,如ZGC35C型渣罐运输车使用的是CumminsNT855发动机与YJ375变矩器,二者的最佳匹配区域在变矩器速比i为0 375~0 915,发动机转速位于额定扭矩点至额定点的区域.研究结果表明:采用液力机械传动的渣罐运输车,其发动机与变矩器共同工作的最佳区域是变矩器高效区的扭矩特性曲线与发动机在额定扭矩点至额定功率点之间的扭矩曲线重合的区域,能满足渣罐运输车的装载和运输2种工况要求.
A research on slag vehicles, model of ZGC35C is conducted. The authors describe the application of transmission matching in the power transmission system by means of graphic and program calculation methods. The optimum matching ratioes of converters range from 0.375 to 0.915 with regard to engines, model of Cummins NT855 and converters, model of YJ375 used in the slag vehicles ZGC35C. The results show that common optimum range of engines and converters is within the curves of tuning moment character in the high efficiency area coincide between the rated tuning moment point and the rated power point. On this condition it can satisfy two operating modes of loading and transport. The conclusion is instructive to the research of this kind of equipment.
Journal of Central South University of Technology(Natural Science)