以大鼠为动物模型 ,应用行为畸胎学方法观察了出生前接触铅对胎鼠出生后生长发育、行为能力和学习记忆功能等的毒效应 ,并测定了仔鼠脑海马组织中胆碱乙酰转移酶 (ChAT)活性和兴奋性氨基酸神经递质谷氨酸 (Glu)和门冬氨酸 (Asp)含量的变化 ,拟探讨上述损害可能涉及的生化基础。实验动物随机分为 :对照组 ,饮用去离子水 ;低铅组 ,饮用 0 5g L醋酸铅水 ;高铅组 ,饮用 2g L醋酸铅水 ;染铅从交配前 10天开始直到断乳。结果显示 ,与对照组相比 ,低铅组仔鼠睁眼时间延迟 ;高铅组仔鼠耳廓分离、出毛、门齿萌出、张耳及平面翻正等指标发育延迟 ;跳台试验中 ,2 1日及 35日龄铅暴露组动物出现错误反应的次数明显增多 ;中毒组仔鼠 2 1日及 35日龄时脑海马组织ChAT活性、Glu和Asp含量均明显低于对照组的。该结果提示 。
Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: control, received distilled water; low lead, received 0.5g/L lead (as acetate) in drinking water; high lead, received 2.0g/L lead in drinking water. Animals exposed to lead were from 10 days before mating and during lactation. The pups of groups were examined daily for developmental and behavioral teratological effects. The step-down test (passive avoidance) was performed at day 21 and day 35 postnatal, and the levels of blood lead, hippocampal choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), glutamate and aspartate were determined in the pups. The significant developmental and behavioral teratological effects of lead on pups, such as time-lag of eye opening in low lead group, pinna detachment, fur developing, incisor eruption, ear unfolding, and surface righting in high lead group were observed; the numbers of step-down were significantly increased in lead exposed animals performed at day 21 and day 35 postnatal; the ChAT activity and the levels of glutamate and aspartate in hippocampus decreased in treated animals compared to control animals. The cholinergic system and glutamatergic system disturbances may related with behavioral changes in rats exposed to lead in utero.
Journal of Hygiene Research
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (No .39630 1 50 )