目的 评价螺旋CT三维成像技术 (3D -sCT)在上尿路梗阻中的应用价值。 方法 对113例上尿路梗阻行肾输尿管 3D -sCT检查 ,用遮盖表面显示法和最大密度投影法进行处理 ,获得立体三维图像 ,并与手术结果对照。 结果 全部病例三维立体形态显示良好 ,可显示病变的部位、形态 ,可从不同的角度和位置观察与周围结构的关系。 88例手术后诊断与 3D -sCT诊断结果完全相符 ,2 4例上尿路结石经 3D -sCT确诊后行体外冲击波碎石 (ESWL)治愈 ,1例腹膜后转移癌压迫输尿管经 3D -sCT确诊后保守治疗。诊断正确率 10 0 % (113/113)。 结论 3D -sCT可以准确反映上尿路梗阻的部位、病因、程度及与周围结构的关系 ,尤其适于IVU不显影及不能插管行逆行肾盂造影患者。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of 3-dimentional spiral computer tomography (3 D- sCT) in patients with upper urinary tract obstruction. Methods 113 patients with upper urinary tract obstruction were subjected to 3D-sCT. Results The site of urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis were distinctly shown in all patients by 3D-sCT. 112 of them were confirmed by ESWL, pathological or operative findings. Conclusions 3D-sCT can exactly show the location, cause and interaction of the upper urinary obstruction, and is especially applied to patients with resultless IVP and unable to retrograde pyelography.
Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery