“两课”教学大纲是国家对“两课教材与教学的基本要求 ,是两课教学的基本规范。教学大纲意识与教学质量成正比 ,高质量地实施“两课”设置新方案 ,应该从提高教学大纲意识入手。教学大纲意识主要包括思想政治性意识和权威规范性意识。
The outline of TWO Lessons is the basic demand for the textbooks and teaching from the government and it is the standarlization of the Two Lessons.The consciousness of teaching outline and the teaching quality are direct ratio.Applying the new plan for the Two Lessons with high quality should start with improving the conscionsness of teaching outline.Teaching outline mainly includes:Consciousness of political conscionsness and authoritative standarlization
Liaoning Financial College Journal