南宋诗人刘过的《龙洲集》 ,集中体现了刘过的诗词艺术成就。然而 ,对刘过《龙洲集》中所涉及的人名 ,至今还缺少应有的考证 ,以致于影响了对刘过诗词的全面认识和评价。由鉴于此 ,本文通过多年的收罗、研读相关资料 ,对《龙洲集》中的众多人名进行考释 ,从而为研究刘过的生平、交游及诗词创作背景 ,打下一个较为扎实的基础。
Liu Guo's Longzhouji embodied the achievements of his literary works.However,the ducumentation of people's names involved in Longzhouji remains to be done because the lack of such a process may hinder the overall acknowlegement and evaluation of Liu Guo's achievements.Thus,this paper attempts to make a study of people's names in Longzhouji by collecting relevant data and subsequently lay a solid foundation for the further study of Liu Guo's literary works.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology