通过对水涛庄水库大坝工程实例的介绍 ,论述了水利水电工程中水库大坝施工控制网的布设与建立 ,满足建筑物轮廊点放样要求和保证施工安全的临时性变形监测 ,同时兼顾到工程竣工后水库蓄水运行期间水工建筑物的永久变形监测 .
This paper deals with layout,set up of the reservoir and dam construction controlling network for water conservancy and hydropower projects so as to meet the sampling requirement of structures outline,and temporary deformation supervision for the sake of construction safety,at the same time,to consider the permanent deformation supervision during the reservoir impounding operation after completion of the project.
Journal of Zhejiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower College