
氯代酚同时厌氧好氧代谢过程的研究 被引量:2

Study of Metabolization of Chlorophenol in Simultaneous Anaerobic/Aerobic Process
摘要 以PVA和海藻酸钠为载体,采用冷冻法混合固定好氧菌和厌氧颗粒污泥,在有限的供氧环境下建立了同时厌氧好氧Coupled系统,并与独立的UASB厌氧过程进行了对比,发现2,4,6-三氯苯酚在前者通过在生物膜微环境中厌氧菌还原脱氯和好氧菌氧化作用能较完全降解,同时具有较高的有机负荷去除率和耐冲击负荷能力。微生物的活性实验结果表明,在Coupled系统中,由于生物膜对氧的传递阻力,污泥颗粒内部的厌氧菌在有限的供氧条件下仍具有较高的厌氧活性,固定化载体具有的好氧活性证实了在固定颗粒的外层好氧或兼性菌在生物膜的外层主要进行微生物好氧活动。 Coupled anaerobic/aerobic integrated treatment system was established with coimmobilized anaerobic angular sludge and isolated aerobic bacterial species with PVA and sodium alginate under limited oxygen. Compared with UASB system, degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol(TCP) by Coupled system was more complete through the synergism of aerobes and anaerobes reductive dechlorination and exchange of anaerobic metabolites 4-CP within biofilm, which promoted system organic removal efficiency and recover from organic shock-loads more quickly. The biomass specific activities experiment further confirmed that strict anaerobes were not affected over the course of this experiment by the presence of an oxic environment, aerobic activity predominates in the outer biofilm layers, while the biofilm interior is characterized by anaerobic activity. The coupled anaerobic/aerobic integrated treatment system can thus enable both aerobic and anaerobic microbes to function within a biofilm in the same reactor and thereby integrate the oxidative and reductive catabolisms.
出处 《纤维素科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期27-33,40,共8页 Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology
基金 教育部重点科研项目(99284) 中科院广州化学研究所纤维素化学重点实验室开放基金项目(K-140) 华南理工大学自然科学基金项目(E5-302-161)
关键词 氯代酚 同时厌氧好氧 代谢过程 固定化 废水处理 降解 氯代芳香化合物 coupled anaerobicaerobic 2,4,6-trichlorophenol coimmobilization
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