目的 :探讨腰椎间盘突出症综合康复治疗后的远期效果。方法 :根据患者在住院期间采用腰椎牵引、按摩、理疗等综合康复治疗外 ,是否配合麦氏手法分为麦氏组与非麦氏组 ,采用电话随访和门诊复查的的方式了解患者对综合康复治疗后的满意度、复发率及主要的腰腿痛症状好转与否 ,同时根据患者对综合康复治疗后的情况是否满意分为满意组与非满意组。结果 :经综合康复治疗后 ,患者满意度为 70 % ,复发率 2 4.3%。有 74%的患者其主要的腰腿痛症状改善 ,满意组的患者较非满意组患者年龄小 ,病程亦短 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。麦氏组与非麦氏组患者的满意度比较差异无统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :目前综合康复治疗仍是治疗腰椎间盘突出症的长期有效手段。
Objective: To study the long-term effect of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment for lumbar disc protrasion Methods:The patients were divided into two groups:Mckenzie therapy group and non-Mckenzie therapy group The satisfaction rate, recurrent rate, pain symptoms after comprehensive rehabilitation treatment were investigated by means of telephone follow-up Results:The satisfaction rate was 70 %, recurrent rate was 24.3% 1~3years after comprehensive rehabilitation treatment The main pain symptoms were improved in 74% patients The patient's age was younger and the pain course was shorter in satisfaction group The satisfaction rate had no statisticaly significant difference between Mckenzie therapy group and non-Mckenzie therapy group. Conclusion:Comprehensive rehabilitation to treat lumbar disc protrusion is a long-term effective method.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation