21世纪是发展和环保的新世纪 ,本文围绕绿色船舶的新理念 ,分别对船舶的绿色设计、绿色建造、绿色营运等船舶全生命周期中的各个阶段进行了详细探讨 ,简介了当今绿色船舶技术的发展 ,对船舶设计、建造与营运有指导意义。
It is a new times of development and environmental protections in 21th century. In this paper, surrounding the new concept of the green ships, details about the design, building and operation of green ship, respectively from the each stage during whole life cycle of ships are discussed, and brief about nowadays technique of green ships are introduced , which can provide guidance for the design, build and operation of new and in-build ships. Combined with the example's form, the application and development of the green yacht technique are introduced briefly.
Ship Science and Technology