采用固相石墨为碳源 ,使用微波等离子体化学气相沉积 (MPCVD)法 ,在Si(1 1 1 )上沉积高质量的金刚石薄膜 .研究了在气相碳源浓度处于不饱和状态时 ,沉积气压和石墨温度对生长速率的影响 .利用SEM、XRD、红外光谱分析薄膜表面形貌和质量 .结果表明高质量的金刚石薄膜可在H2 激发而产生的封闭的等离子体气氛下合成 ,高的沉积气压和石墨温度会导致高的气相碳源浓度 ,从而有利于提高薄膜的生长速率 。
Preparation of diamond films has been investigated by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition from graphite on Si(111) substrate. The effect of pressure and temperature of the graphite on the quality and growth rate of the diamond films have been discussed. The films have been analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and IR spectrometer. The results show that diamond films with high quality can be prepared under a closed hydrogen plasma system excited by microwave. High pressure and temperature of the graphite leading to a high carbon concentration in gas phase will increase the growth rate of the films, while carbon concentration in gas phase is helpful for the improvement of the film quality.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology