利用惰性原子间相互作用势的模型势 ,本文作者研究了氦及其混合气体的宏观性质 ,获得了输运系数的理论计算结果。并与J .Kestin等人所拟合的最佳值进行了比较 ,结果符合得较好 ,但本文的方法理论性强而且使用的势函数解析性好 ,便于推广应用。
Based on the noble gas atom interaction potentials by means of Tang Tiennies potential model, the author calculates the macroscopic properties for pure Helium and its mixtures, including second virial coefficient B,viscosity η,thermal conductivity λ,diffusion coefficient D,and thermal diffusion factorα T. Finally,the author compare her results with the best ones given by J.Kestin et al and get a good agreement. However, our method is theoretical and the potential function used has good analyticity. Therefore, it is easy to apply.
Journal of Sichuan University of Science and Technology
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :1 0 0 750 1 7)