对妇检诊断为子宫颈糜烂患者 ,按子宫颈上药涂搽法常规使用 1%碘甘油 ,1个疗程后主要根据子宫颈糜烂面的变化判断效果。结果表明 :总有效率 88.6 8% ,轻度子宫颈糜烂有效率 98.38% ,治愈率 5 8.2 5 % ,中、重度子宫颈糜烂有效率 5 7.78% ,治愈率 17.78% ,χ2 检验有高度统计学意义 (p <0 .0 0 5 ) ,1%碘甘油治疗轻度子宫颈糜烂效果明显优于中、重度子宫颈糜烂。
For the patient who suffers from debauched cervix 1%lodine glycerin is normally used on the surface of the cervix. After the 1st curing period, the result is obtained according to the change of the surface of the debauched cervix. It shows: In 106 examples, the total validity rate for the patient is 88.68%. the validity rate for the lighter patient is 99.38%, and the curing rate is 58.25%; In the 45 examples of the heavy patient, the validity rate is 57.78%,and the curing rate is 17.78%; According to the check of x 2, there is high meaning for statistics. So 1%lodine glycerin for the debauched cervix of a light degree is obviously better than for that of a heavy degree.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University