为了在不同软件系统中共享机织物的上机图信息 ,将上机图设计软件编写成了服务器程序 .文中介绍了基于COM组件的ActiveX服务器程序的开发原理 ,阐述了开发上机图编辑程序的具体步骤 ,开发出的软件不仅能够设计上机图 ,而且可以方便地复制到其它应用程序中实现数据共享 。
In order to share information of the designing weaving plan among different software system, the author develops the software with a full ActiveX server. The paper introduces the principle to develop such a server based on COM, and elaborates the procedure. Therefore, the software can not only be used to design a weaving plan, but also can provide the whole or part of the plan to other softwares. Furthermore, the software itself can be integrated to an ActiveX container, which means the software can be reused by other software developers.
Journal of Tiangong University