From the manifestations of the time series of the volcanic activity of theChinese continent, uplifting of the Qinghai--Tibet plateau, deformation of the Loessplateau and faulting in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River and its adja-cent areas during the Quaternary, the following knowledge has been gained aboutthe time and process of the Quaternary crustal movements on the Chinese conti-nent. 1. The Quaternaiy crustal movemnts on the Chinese continent were markedby an unstable process, in which there occurred the initial Early Pleistocene,Early Pleistocene and Middle Pleistocene tectonic movements. 2. Since the Early Pleistocene the intensity of the coustal activity on theChinese continent has generally increased but changed slowly. The crustal activitywas the strongest in the Middle Pleistocene. In the Late Pleistocene the crustalactivity attenuated. The crust activity has a tendency to become intense in theHolocene but there is no sufficient evidence. 3. There exists an'initial phase'difference between the time series of variouscrustal movement forms, but their pictures are alike. This suggests they weresubjected to the same sources of tectonic forces. This phase difference was proba-bly related to the difference in reaction velocity and crustal movemet forms. 4. Restricted by the research level and complication of the problems, only arough time and process division is made in the paper and the time span of thetime series in still long (a few tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands ofyears). Thus the changes of tectonic activity with a time span of a few thousand
Geological Review
time and process
crustal movement