The NNW--trending structural system of the Hexi structural system in westernChina has long been known, but it merely represents a product of the terminalMesozoic--early Cenozoic crustal movement. In recent years, the NNW--trending structu-ral features have been piecemeal reported in eastern China, but they are merelyremote--sensing image information which has not been subject to the field verificationof fault structures and the study of mechanical properties. Based on remote--sensing geologic surveys in the Yanshan area, the authors madea field study of the NNW--trending structural features when studying the Himalayanmovement in the Yanshan area in the period from 1985 to 1990. They discoveredthe Chaoyang, Luanhe and Zijinguan-Huaian compressive and compresso--shear faultswith about equal intervening space. These major NNW fault systems and theirrelevent structures of various trends and properties, together show the features of the ENE--WSW--or nearly E--W--trending structural stress field. Thus the NNW-trending structural system was formed in the Neogene and culminated in the Quater-nary. Principal NNW--trending structure of the system is mainly made up of compre-essive or compresso--shear fault structures, new uplifts of maintains, river drainagesystems and gentle anticlines. These structural features are typically and well develop-ed especially in North China, so the NNW--trending structural system is named the'North China System'. It was for the first time that the 'North China System' wasestablished or redefined in eastern China. Its formation or occurrence indicate thatthe stress field of the Neocathaysian structural system had essentially ended andtransformed in eastern China.
Geological Review
NNW--trending structural system
Noth China System
Cenozoic structural stress field