在人类社会中 ,每一个体从初生的“自然人”到能够适应社会生活的“社会人”,都必须经过一个“个体社会化”的过程。丰富多彩的儿童游戏能够使儿童的体能和智能得到训练 ,能够帮助孩子对各种社会角色进行认知 ,并且有助于儿童健全人格的塑造 ;而儿童游戏的轻松活泼、内容全面、参与性强等特点 ,更使得它成为“个体社会化”过程中特殊而有效的一种途径。
In the human society, everybody who was born as a natural person and becomes a social person able to adapt to the society later must pass through a course of individual socialization Rich and colorful children games can not only develope children′s energy and capacity, but also help them to know social roles and figure a sound personality Children games are so lively colorful and easily participated in that playing them is a special and effective way in individual socialization