针对目前中国人姓名书写、拼写、著录方式混乱的问题 ,阐明制定《中国人名书写及汉语拼音拼写规则》国家标准的必要性和紧迫性。认为面对中国人名姓前名后书写顺序受到的挑战、汉语拼音拼写中国人名的规定受到的冲击、国家现行的有关中国人名拼写的规范及综合标准存在的不足 ,为维护国家的尊严 ,结束目前中国人名书写、拼写、著录方式的混乱局面 ,应尽快制定《中国人名书写及汉语拼音拼写规则》国家标准。
The necessity and urgent need for making a national standard for Chinese Name Spelling Rule are pointed out, in order to solve the problems in Chinese name spelling. The authors think that the central government should pay attention to the issues such as the challenge on spelling order of Chinese names, the impact on spelling rule with alphabet for Chinese names and lack of codes and standards on spelling of Chinese names. A suggestion on making a national standard for Chinese Name Spelling Rule as quickly as possible, for ending up the confusion in Chinese name spelling and maintaining reputation of the country, is proposed.
Acta Editologica