目的 :研究不同类型高脂血症患者血清小而密低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDL C)水平的变化 ,观察血脂康调血脂治疗对高脂血症患者小而密LDL C的影响。方法 :采用非变型梯度凝胶电泳法分别测定 37例冠状动脉 (冠脉 )正常的高脂血症患者 (A组 ) ,131例冠脉造影证实有冠心病的高脂血症患者 (B组 )及 40例冠脉及血脂均正常的受检者 (对照组 )和 80例血脂正常的冠心病患者 (C组 )血清小而密LDL C的水平 ,比较A、B和C组间小而密LDL C水平的差异 ;将B组分为 3个亚组即 40例高胆固醇血症患者 (B1组 )、49例混合型高脂血症患者 (B2组 )、42例高甘油三酯血症患者 (B3组 ) ,给予调血脂治疗 8周 ,分别测定治疗前后该 3个亚组血清小而密LDL C的水平 ,并与对照组对比。结果 :与对照组相比 ,A组患者血清小而密LDL C占总LDL C含量的百分比仅有轻度升高 [(45 5± 5 5 ) %比(40 6± 6 3) % ,P >0 0 5 ] ,B组和C组患者血清小而密LDL C的含量明显升高 [(65 8± 8 2 ) %和 (68 3± 13 8) % ,P <0 0 1]。B组中以B 2组 [(65 7± 7 8) % ,P <0 0 1]和B3组 [(69 3± 7 8) % ,P <0 0 1]患者升高最为明显。调血脂治疗后血清小而密LDL C实际含量均较治疗前显著下降。结论 :合并有冠心病的高脂血症患者小而密LDL C的升高更为明显 ,?
Objective: To investigate the levels of small dense low density lipoprotein (LDL) in different types of dyslipidemia and to assess the effect of lipid lowering therapy Methods: Thirty seven hyperlipidmic patients with normal coronary artery (group A),131 with coronary heart disease (group B),and 80 caronary heart disease patient with normal lipid were selected.Fourty subjects with normal lipid and coronary arteries served as controls Small dense LDL (%) was measured and compared The patients in group B were divided into 3 subgroups, group B1:40 cases with hypercholesteromia; B2:49 cases with mixed dyslipidemia; and B3:42 cases with hypertriglyceromia Small dense LDL was measured before and after lipidlowering therapy in these 3 subgroups Results: Compared to controls, small dense LDL in group A was slightly elevated but insignificantly and obviously increased in group B.In different types of hyperlipidemia, the levels of small dense LDL were also different After lipid lowering therapy, the levels of small dense LDL were decreased in all groups, particularly in subgroup B2 and B3 Conclusions: The results suggestted that there may be different levels of small dense LDL in different types of dyslipidemia Lipid lowering therapy can decrease the levels of small dense LDL C
Chinese Circulation Journal