目的 :探讨超声引导斜角进针自动肾活检的成功率及并发症。方法 :应用自动活检装置 ,在超声引导下斜角进针对 33例肾脏病患者进行肾穿刺活检。结果 :穿刺成功 33例 ,成功率 10 0 % ,肉眼血尿 1例 ,发生率 3.33%。结论 :该方法具有操作简便 ,成功率高 ,并发症少等优点。
Objective:To determine the successful rate and complication of automatic renal biospy device under ultrasound-guided throgh an oblique angle.Methods:Automatic biospy device under the guidance of ultrasound through an oblique angle were performed in 33 patients with nephropathy.5'HZResults:Renal biopsies were successfully performed in 33 patients,successful rate was 100%,the incidence of macrohematuria was 3.33%.The clinical study of automatic renal biospy device under ultrasound-guided through an obilque angle$$$$ XU Yan-feng,GU Hai-dong,JIE Lan-li,et al.Department of Ultrasound,Rizhao City Hospital,Shandong,Rizhao 276800,China AbstractObjective:To determine the successful rate and complication of automatic renal biospy device under ultrasound-guided throgh an oblique angle.Methods:Automatic biospy device under the guidance of ultrasound through an oblique angle were performed in 33 patients with nephropathy.5'HZResults:Renal biopsies were successfully performed in 33 patients,successful rate was 100%,the incidence of macrohematuria was 3.33%.[WTConclusion:The method has the advantages in easy manipulation,higher successful rate and lower incidence of complication.
Journal of Medical Imaging