古潜山油气藏由于其高产、优质和高效的特点 ,越来越引起人们对该类油气藏勘探开发的重视。在古潜山油气藏的勘探开发中 ,由于储集层非均质性一般都比较严重 ,储集层空间分布和变化规律的预测和描述是勘探的关键 ,也是其难点之所在。合成声波测井技术能够利用地震资料空间密集和连续的优势 ,在综合分析和建立可靠地质模型的基础上 ,对古潜山储集层的分布作出比较准确和符合地下实际地质情况的预测描述。该方法简便易行 ,并且在CB 30等潜山的勘探中取得了良好的效果。
Hydrocarbon reservoirs of buried-hills, which characterized by high yield, high quality and efficiency, are receiving much attention to their exploration and development. The key and difficulty to exploration and development of buried-hill reservoirs is the prediction and characterization of spatial distribution and variations of the reservoirs. Seislog, which takes advantage of the merit that seismic data is dense and successive in space, can geologically infer the distribution of buried-hill reservoirs based on the construction of a reliable geological model. The method is simple and straightforward. Desired results have been yielded by the application of the method in the exploration of buried-hill CB30.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum