通过对地下长输管道外加电流阴极保护的电化学过程分析,揭示了地下长输管道外加 电流阴极保护中应注意的阴极剥离、氢脆、阳极消耗等问题的实质,从而在设计、施工和运行维护 工作中,能够自觉地解决好这些问题。
On the basis of an analysis to ghe electrochemical procedure for the impressed-current cathode protection of long-distance underground pipelines, it is concluded that special attention should be paid to the following problems during the process of cathode protection: cathode dropping, sydrocracking , consumption of anode and so on. With such knowledge, these problems can be well handled in designing,constructing and maintaining work.
Journal of Lianyungang College of Chemical Technology