对国家经济贸易委员会颁布的《海上固定平台安全规则》生效后对无线电配备方面提出的要求进行了分析,结合中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司的固定平台已配无线电设备的现状,给出各平台满足GMDSS(Global Maritime Distress Safety System)要求的合理化建议,并提出在检验中应注意的问题。
This article has analyzed the equip requirement of radio equipment for fixed platform, since the 'Safety Regulations for Fixed Offshore Platform' promulgated by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People' s Republic of China became effective. Also it gives some reasonable suggestion on how to fit the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress Safety System) requirement link to the actuality of each foxed platform of CNOOC China Limited- Tianjin, and somelhing that should be paid attention to, when inspecting these radio equipment.