A systematic research is conducted on the composite gelation between konjac glucomannan (KG) and soybean protein isolate (SPI) . With SPI concentration kept at 2.0% , when KG increased from 0.8% to2.5% , gel strength also increased continuously; gel dehydration ratio was straight falling; gel relaxation decreased gradually, and when KG at 1.5%, the gel adhesiveness was the strongest. Keeping KG at 1.5%, gel adhesiveness and dehydration ratio both increase with SPI increasing from 0 to 3.0% ; Gel relaxation only showed a little change while SPI below 6.0% , hut if beyond, it would increase rapidly; With SPI increasing, gel strength increased initially, and then reached the maximum at 2.0% , after than decreases gradually. It did not show any effect on gel color with KG increasing, and the gel maintained light yellow. But with SPI increasing, the gel color changed gradually from milky while to light yellow and yellow; after SPI > 3.0% , the gel color gradually become brown. From the effect of sodium chloride and urea on composite gel strength, it can be deduced that hydrogen bonding is the main action in the composite gel system.
Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology