经济全球化不能以牺牲民族文化作代价去实现“文化全球化”。以吴新钿的微型小说创作而论 ,他并没有全盘“菲化”而只是部分“菲化”。他在注意吸取西方文化和融会菲律宾本土文化的同时 ,仍在一定程度上保留了华族文化的独立性。也就是说 ,他的“菲化”
Sacrificing the culture of a nation will not bring about the cultural globalization. As far as short stories by Wu Xin xi are concerned, the author partially absorbs the Philippine culture in his writing rather than totally 'Philippinalized'. Mixing the Western culture with the Philippine one, the author to a certain extent, maintains the Chinese culture. He does not abandon the Chinese culture for the sake of 'Philippinalization'.
Journal of Guangdong Education Institute