贵阳地区二级乙等普通话的语音特点是 :上声调值不对、阳平调值有缺陷、平翘舌不分、边鼻音不分、前后鼻韵母不分。这些是贵阳人学习普通话的难点。要提高普通话的水平 ,由二乙晋升为二甲 。
When speaking Putonghua, Guiyangese find it difficult to pronounce some words correctly, for instance wrong intonation, confusion of some cacuminal and other consonants such as ' s, sh, z, zh, c, ch, r, n and l', and indifferences with some nasal vowels such as 'ing, eng, ueng'. In order to raise the level of Putonghua from elementary to intermediate, Guiyangese must try some practical ways of overcoming these difficulties.