龙里巫山岩画是一处尚未被人们认识的远古人类文化遗址 ,笔者与有关机构的专业人员对它作了一次调查。通过对调查结果的整理 ,描述了岩画的生态环境、保存现状 ,讨论了岩画的内容、特点、价值和意义 ;进而对岩画中的一些重要问题展开了研究。
Wushan mountain in Longli county, Guizhou province is a cultural relics of primitive men, not yet known to public. Recently, the author, accompanied by other professionals, made an investigation. This article describes the ecological environment of rock paintings and their present condition, analyses the paintings' content, characteristics, value and meanings. In the end, the author puts forward some suggestions on the exploitation and use of these paintings.