历史上曾经有过两个白贲字无咎的人 ,但王国维只根据现存的材料 ,断言《朝野新声太平乐府 ,鹦鹉曲》的原唱者是钱塘白王廷之子白无咎 ,从而将杂剧的历史推迟了七。
In the history of China,there were two persons with the name of Baiben,and another name of Wujiu.But according to some materials which could be found then,Wang Guowei was sure that the first singer of the Parrot melody in A Collection of Poems All over the Country was Bai Wnjin,son of Bai Ting of Qiantang County,thenefone,drew the drama history back for seventy to eighty years.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College