基于模糊Hopfield网络研究提出了一种基于核的模糊Hopfield网络识别系统(BC FH NRS)。BC FHNRS先训练要识别的特定目标的核,使核能够代表特定目标,然后根据核对未知模式进行识别,判断该未知模式是否是特定的目标。给出了一种核的构造和训练方法,并以此为基础提出识别算法。该系统具有运算时间短、识别率和拒识率较高的优点。试验结果显示,BC FHNRS具有较好的特性。
Based on Fuzzy Hopfield Network, this paper proposes a new recognition system-Based on Core Fuzzy Hopfield Network System (BC\|FHNRS). Firstly, the BC\|FHNRS trains the core of special target so that the core can be used to symbolize the special target. Then, the unknown pattern target can be estimated by this core to decide whether it is the special target. This paper gives a method of constructing core and proposes a training arithmetic, and the BC\|FHNRS recognition arithmetic is also proposed based on these. The BC\|FHNRS holds a few favorable properties--less calculating time, higher recogniting probability and higher rejecting probability. Experiment shows that the BC\|FHNRS has a favorable performance. \;
Infrared and Laser Engineering