根据 1998~ 2 0 0 2年的调查 ,介绍了我国长江流域以南 4 6个高尔夫草坪主要危害的杂草种类 ,有 15 9种以上。其中禾草 39种、莎草 15种、阔叶草 10 5种。危害较重 ,较难防除的 2 0种草坪杂草是禾草类的马唐、铺地黍、两耳草、地毯草、早熟禾 ;莎草类的香附子、水蜈蚣 (含光鳞水蜈蚣 ) ;阔叶类的天胡荽、酢浆草、鸡眼草、空心莲子草、三点金、含羞草、积雪草、叶下珠、犁头草、伞房花耳草、飞扬草、半边莲、链荚豆等。针对高尔夫球场草坪杂草防除的问题 ,阐明了选择草坪除草剂及确定其应用技术的原则 ,提出了 10项综合治理草坪杂草的建议 ,介绍了
Based on the investigation of weeds in 46 Golf coruses during 1998~2002 in southern China 159 weeds were determined which includes 39 grasses species, 15 sedge species and 105 broad leaved species Among them,20 species are uncontrollable weeds,such as, Digitaria sanguinalis,Cyperus rotundus,Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides,Viola japonica, Hedyotis corymbosa, Euphorbia hirta,Lobelia chinensis, and Alysicarpus vaginalis The paper also introduces how to choice proper herbicide and how to use in turf The authors present 10 terms of proposal for controlling weeds with integrated management in golf turf,particularly control 13 most trouble weeds species in Cynodon dactylon and Zoysia with CaoPingNing a special herbicide for Golf course
Pratacultural Science