在实验室内约 15℃水温下 ,投喂以细长脚 (Themisto gracilip es)为主要成分的天然饵料 ,对成体方氏云 (Enedrias fangi)进行了排空率研究。对 3种排空模型拟合效果的分析显示 ,平方根模型最符合方氏云的排空。在不摄食阶段 ,全消化道内含物的量 (CDW)随时间 (TIME)的变化可以下式描述 :CDW0 .5=3.890 - 0 .175· TIME(R2 =0 .939,p<0 .0 0 0 1)。方氏云的排空率为 0 .175g/10 0 g wet· h。
Evacuation rate of adult Enedrias fangi was estimated in laboratory under water temperature about 15 ℃. The fish was fed with natural diet, in which Themisto gracilipes was the absolute majority. Simulations of the evacuation with three models showed that the square root model was the best one to fit the evacuation of Enedrias fangi . The complete digestive tract content as percent of body weight (CDW) of unfed Enedrias fangi was related to the time by the equation, CDW 0.5 = 3.890-0 175·TIME ( R 2=0 939, p <0 000 1),which gave the evacuation rate of 0 175 g/100 g wet·h.
Marine Fisheries Research
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990 43 70 0 )资助