绵羊毛的生长是由许多遗传因子决定的 ,毛囊的性状和皮肤组织结构决定着羊毛的品质和产量。本文针对毛囊生物学特点和体外毛囊培养技术的研究 ,从遗传、细胞因子、激素及营养等各个不同的方面对羊毛生长的作用机理与调控作了系统的阐述。
sheep wool growth is determined by many genetic factors, hair-follicle character and derma tissue structure control the quality and output of wool. The paper pointed to the biology character hair-jollicle cell and the study of culture in vitro, systematic describing the mechanism and regulation and control the wool growth from genetic, cell factors, hormone and nutrition in detail.
Grass-Feeding Livestock