1999~2001年,分别在龙泉成都波尔山羊种羊场、邛峡四川波尔山羊种羊场分场、阳平四川波尔山羊种羊场、都江堰波尔山羊种羊场进行了波尔山羊超数排卵研究。对100只供体用FSH PG法进行了超排处理,回收胚胎1867枚,平均18 67±8 50枚,其中可用胚1584枚,平均15 84±7 70枚。研究结果表明:(1)用30%聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)溶液稀释后一次注射总剂量与用生理盐水稀释FSH递减法多次注射,平均每只获可用胚分别为19 0±11 1枚、22±1 00枚;(2)使用国产和进口激素FSH,平均每只获可用胚分别为15 94±8 33枚、15 15±5 03枚;(3)春秋两季超排,平均每只获可用胚分别为19 4±12 14枚、14 85±9 17枚;(4)波尔山羊体况好的,其超排效果好于体况较差的,平均每只获可用胚分别为16 80±8 75枚、13 32±6 53枚;(5)2~3胎母羊的超排效果好于经产4~5胎、育成羊和一胎羊,平均每只获可用胚分别为18 43±8 21枚、14 17±6 34枚、13 33±2 52枚、13 33±2 52枚。以上结果经统计分析,差异不显著。
From 1999 to 2001,a study on the Boer goat superovulation was conducted in four Boer Goat Farms separately.Superovulation of 100 Boer goats were induced by injection FSHPG of two kinds of methods.1867 embryos were collected,and the average embryos per donor were 1867±850,of which 1584 were usable embryos,and the averages of usable embryos per donor were 1584±770.The results showed:(1)If total doses of 30% PVP dilution FSH one time injection and multiinjection of descending doses of PSS dilution FSH were used to superovulate Boer goats,average 190±111 and 22±100 usable embryos per goat could be obtained (P>005),respectively;(2)When Boer goat superovulation was conducted by injection FSH produced in China and Australia,average 1594±833 and 1515±503 usable embryos per goat could be obtained (P>005),respectively;(3)If Boer goat superovulation was conducted in spring and autumn,average 194±1214 and 1626±907 usable embryos per goat could be obtained (P>005),respectively;(4)The result of superovulation was better when Boer goat was in middle highclass body condition than that in middle lowclass body condition,and average 1680±875 and 1332±653 usable embryos per goat could be obtained (P>005),respectively;(5)The result of superovulation was good when Boer goat was at fertility exuberant stage,average 1843±821 usable embryos per goat could be obtained.Statistical analysis showed that above results were not significantly different.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences