1998至 1 999年间 ,在上海交大农学院进行的异色瓢虫 H armonia axyridis(PALLAS)成虫过冷却点测定以及大棚试验表明 :异色瓢虫成虫过冷却点平均为 -5 .1℃ ,最高 -2 .8℃ ,最低 -7.8℃ ,该成虫能安全过冬。用异色瓢虫幼虫防治大棚蔬菜蚜虫 ,在瓢蚜比例为 1∶ 1 0 0时 。
Preliminary studies on determination of supercooling temperature of Harmonia axyridis and control over vegetable aphids in plastic covering were conducted in shanghai during 1998 1999. The beetle could overwinter safety and its mean supercooling temperature was 5 1℃, ranging from 7 8℃ to 2 8℃. Field release showed that with the ratio of predator: prey at 1:100,Harmonia axyiclis could control over vegetable aphids successfully without spraying insectcide.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)