从《扬州画舫录》看 ,康乾时期的扬州餐饮业相当繁荣 ,官商并办的知名酒肆、茶肆、食肆林立 ,高档消费与普通消费相得益彰 ;淮扬菜点各式各样 ,菜品在口味上体现出南北交汇 (即咸甜适中 )的特色。
Abstract: According to 《 A Record of Yangzhou Gaily-Painted Pleasure-Boats》, Yangzhou food and drink trade in the Kang and Qian Periods was considerably prosperous. At that time, famous wineshops, teahouse and restaurants co-operated by official bodies and merchants stood in great numbers. High-grade consumption and ordinary consumption brought out the best in each other. Huaiyang cuisine, assorted greatly, gave full expression to the characteristics of intersection part of Southern China and Northern China in dish tastes (i.e. appropriate medium between salty and sweet tastes). The characteristics of Yangzhou food and drink trade in the Kang and Qian Periods provide much that we can make use of today for the development of Yangzhou contemporary food and drink industry.
Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University