《东京梦华录》和《梦粱录》较详尽地记载了北宋都城汴梁和南宋都城临安的饮食风俗 ,从中可以看到宋代都城中饮食行业已打破坊市分隔 ,空前繁盛 ,经营特色更加显著。然而 ,宋代汴梁、临安的节令食俗和人生仪礼食俗大同小异 ,由于南方经济实力强于北方 ,故临安使用的节令食品在质量。
禗ongjing Meng Hua Lu》and 《Meng Liang Lu》have given a more detailed description about the diet customs in the capital Bianliang of the Northern Song Dynasty and the capital Linan of the Southern Song Dynasty. From the two books we see that the catering trade in the capitals of the Song Dynasty broke down the workshop market barriers and achieved an unprecedented prosperity and its management was noted for its more distinctive features. But, at the time when the seasonable diet customs and diet customs of human life in Bianliang and Linan of the Song Dynasty were alike except for slight differences, as the economic power in the Southern part was stronger than that in the Northern part, the seasonable food consumed in Linan exceeded that in Bianliang both in quantity and quality.
Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University