
防淤堵滤层新材料的开发与性能 被引量:2

Development and Properties of Anti-clogging Filtration Geotextile
摘要 为了满足实际使用过程中对过滤性能和机械性能两方面的要求,设计开发了一种防淤堵滤层新材料,它是具有双层结构的针刺非织造土工织物。其中一层由较细的纤维组成,使土工织物具有优良的过滤性能;另一层由较粗纤维组成,提供土工织物的机械性能。通过实际测试并与常规土工织物进行对比得出,该防淤堵滤层材料具有较大的特征孔径和垂直渗透系数,能够满足防淤堵要求,而且在生产工艺相同的条件下,其机械强度也优于常规土工织物,是一种很有发展前景的新型土工材料。同时,还探讨了针刺密度对土工织物各项性能的影响。 An ariti-clogging filtration geotextile was designed and developed. This geotextile consists of two layers: one layer constructed with fine fiber and having a thickness selected to provide optimal filtration characteristics; and the other constructed with coarse fiber providing the required mechanical properties. Comparing with conventional geotextiles, the two-layer geotextile was proved that, it has more bigger characteristic pore size and vertical permeability coefficient, and can reach the requirement of anti-clogging. Furthermore, its mechanical strength is higher than dial of conventional geotextile with the same processing parameters. So this is a type of very prospective geotextile. At the same time, the relation between needle-punched density and properties of nonwoven geotextile are also studied.
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期39-43,共5页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
关键词 新材料 防淤堵土工织物 针刺密度 过滤性能 孔径分布 垂直渗透系数 非织造布 anti-clogging geotextile, needle-punched density, filtration property, pore size distribution, vertical permeability coefficient
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