
简评《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》 被引量:2

Brief Comment On The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn
摘要  《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》所讲故事发生在南北战争以前。当时美国存在着两种不同的经济体系,北方是资本主义经济制度,工业产品突飞猛进,因此北方更注重自由劳工。而南方是种植园经济。许多白人贵族拥有种植园。他们种棉花、烟草、米以及甘蔗等。大量的黑人为白人辛苦劳动,为白人谋利,然而这些黑奴却遭到白人残酷的虐待和惩罚,甚至像畜生一样自由买卖。为此黑奴当时视北方为他们所向往的自由之地。经常为自由而拼死逃向北方这一"自由国土"。故事中的其中一主人公黑人吉姆听说女主人要卖掉他,就逃了出来,想到北部自由州去。路上遇到了逃避父亲毒打以及承受不了社会"文明教化"的压力而逃跑的白人孩子哈克。作者通过哈克和吉姆两人逃亡的故事,运用现实主义的描写与浪漫主义描写相结合的艺术写法,使人物心理刻画与诙谐的想象浑成一体,生动地刻画了哈克这一渴望自由、追求浪漫、冒险生活的形象。但是当时这样一种社会下真正的自由是不存在的。 Mark Twain wrote this story.As we all know,he was a very famous humorous and satirical writer in American literature.He is called 'the true father of American literature.'His childhood was mostly spent in Hannibal on the Mississippi River.There he developed a passion for the river.Therefore,most of his works reflect various things happening on the Mississippi;the story of Huckleberry Finn is one of them.The story is about a boy's adventure in the Mississippi valley before the Civil War.During this period,there were two different economic systems in North and South of America.In the north,the capitalist economy developed rapidly and industrial capitalists of the north found free labor was more economical.However,in the south things were quite different.People they are owned plantations and grew cotton,tobacco,rice and sugar.Slaves worked on the plantations and made huge profits for their white masters;they were often cruelly treated.They were bought and sold like animals.Because of that,Negro slaves regarded the north as their free land;they often tried to escape to the north for their freedom.In this story,one of the characters-Jim is s Negro slave When he learns that Miss Watson is going to sell him,he runs away from his master.Now of escape,he meets Huck,a white boy of about thirteen,he is also running away from the cruelties of his drunken father and the 'civilizing'pressures of the society.Together they make their way down the Mississippi on a raft;they spend their days and nights together,so gradually a pure friendship grows between Huck and Jim the white boy and the black slave.They help each other;Huck helps Jim try to get to the north his freedom,and Jim takes good care of Huck just as his own son.However,in fact freedom does not exist at that time.Huck's father is still Huck's sole guardian by law and holds nearly absolute power over him just as Miss Watson has a similar power over Jim.Therefore,Miss Watson and Huck's father has much in common;they represent extremes of authority,authority at its most respectable and at its most contemptible.
作者 尼玛布赤
机构地区 西藏大学语文系
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第1期60-62,共3页 Journal of Tibet University
关键词 密西西比河 种植园 自由 寄生虫 instinct betray fraud civilization lust for money.
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