文字是语言的载体 ,它不仅是语言流传和发展的见证 ,而且也是一个民族的发展历程及其文明的写照。本文结合许慎的“六书”理论 ,论述了古文字在学习汉语中的作用 ,指出中国文字从上古发展到今天 ,是一脉相承的。古文字不仅是汉语言的重要组成部分 。
Characfer Le Her is the of a language. It is not only the witness of the development of the language,but also a refection of the procedure of a national development and its civilization. Here,the author,according to Xu Shen's Liushu theory,discusses the function of ancient Chinese characters in studying Chinese Language and also points out that Chinese characfers have been inherited to present from ancient ages. The ancient chinese charactfrs not only as an important part of chinere characters,but slso represent the whole China's civilization.
Journal of Jinzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Scienae Edition)