
适应医学教育全球最低基本要求 促进我院教学改革

Meet the Preliminary Global Requisites of Medical Education And Promote the Education Reform in the Medical College of Tibet University
摘要 2002年3月12号至26号,我院社区医学教育考察团赴美考察、访问,其中我们考察参观了国际医学教育研究所。国际医学教育研究所(IIME)由美国纽约中华医学基金会批准,于1999年6月9日成立。这个研究所的任务是为制定本科医学教育“全球最低基本要求”提供指导。医学教育全球最低基本要求是指世界各地医学院校培养的医生都必须具备的基本素质,应包括医学知识、临床机能、职业态度、行为及伦理、沟通机能、公众健康及卫生系统、信息管理和批判性思维与研究七个领域,所谓基本要求就是全球医生都必须具备的基本能力或基本素质,学生具体能力的体现给我们界定了老师该教什么,学生该学什么,所有执业医生该有什么样的教育经历。 From March 12 to March 26 in 2002, the Observation Delegation of Medical Education in Districts organized by the Medical College of Tibet University made a visit to U . S. A. and I was among the group that visited the International Institute of Medical Education (IIME) . The organization was founded on June 9, 1999 under the sanction of CM A which based on New York, America and its task is to offer instruction on the formulation of the preliminary global requisites of medical education in undergraduate course. The preliminary global requisites refer to the essential qualities that the medical workers are demanded all over the world, no matter from which university they have graduated. These cover seven fields: medical knowledge, clinical capacity, professional attitude, behavior and ethics, communicative capacity, public health and sanitary system, information management and critical thinking and research . These basic requisites show us what the teacher should teach, what the students should learn and what educational criteria the practitioners should possess.
作者 李长山
机构地区 西藏大学医学院
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第3期47-48,46,共3页 Journal of Tibet University
关键词 国际医学教育 基本要求 医学教育改革 International Medical Education preliminary requisites reform of the medical education
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