世界银行贷款的疏勒河农业综合开发暨移民安置工程的实施 ,使流域内水土资源得到了极大规模的开发与利用 ,但同时也产生了湿地萎缩、植被退化、土地沙化和盐渍化等一系列较为严重的水环境问题。为实现流域整体生态、社会、经济效益的统一 ,保证区域经济与社会的可持续发展 ,建立科学、可靠、操作性强的流域水资源管理决策支持信息系统是实现上述目标的根本保障。在分析系统需求的基础上 ,结合疏勒河流域水资源特点对系统的结构、系统功能、系统实现等方面进行了初步探讨 ,认为疏勒河流域水资源管理决策支持信息系统应是一个以硬件、系统软件、组织机构以及水资源数据为基础 ,“3S”技术及水资源管理专业模型为支撑的 ,集数据的采集、传输、存储、管理、分析、决策、输入、输出为一体的集成系统 ,以进行疏勒河流域水资源的评价、科学管理和决策。
Water and soil resources in Shule River Basin were exploited widely based on the execution of integrated agricultural development and immigrant allocation project in the basin. Meanwhile, there are some serious hydro environmental problems such as wetland shrinking, vegetation degradation, land desertification and salification. Establishing a scientific, reliable and operational water resources managing and decision making supporting information system is a basement for balancing the ecological environment, society and economic benefit and ensuring sustainable development of the regional economy. Initial studies for the structure, function and implementation of the system were done by analyzing the system requirement. It shows that the system should be based on the hardware, software and water resources data, and supported by Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS technologies and special models for water resource management. And it should consist of data collecting, transmitting, saving, managing, analyzing, decision making supporting, inputting and system were outputting for purpose of assessment, management and decision making support in Shule River Basin.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application
自然科学基金重点项目 (90 10 2 0 0 5 )
中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (KZCX1-10 -0 6)资助。