入世给中国旅游业带来了机遇和挑战 .信阳市有着丰富的旅游资源和得天独厚的区位优势 ,只要我们抓住入世后我国旅游业发展的机遇 ,制定好信阳市旅游规划 ,理顺体制 ,加强管理 ,扩大宣传 ,旅游业一定能经受住入世的考验 。
Xinyang city is endowed with natural landscapes and unique tourist resources.In order to make Xinyang city advance towards the world and let the world understand Xinyang,we should grasp the opportunities for the development of China tourism after becoming a member of WTO.For doing this,we should make a detailed plan for the development of Xinyang tourism,which can surely stand the severe test of the entry WTO,and will become a new increasing point for the development of Xinyang ecomomy.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)