【目的】 了解体块指数 (BMI)在儿童期的变化特点 ,为儿童肥胖的评价提供依据。 【方法】 计算各年龄组BMI ,进行方差分析及两两比较。 【结果】 城郊男女体块指数随年龄变化一致 ,小年龄组男童大于女童 ,大年龄组市区大于郊区。 【结论】 儿童肥胖可采用体块指数评价。
To study the changes in body mass index(BMI) and provide the standard measure of obesity during childhood.Calculate the BMI of all children,t test statistical analyses were used to study relation in groups.The change of BMI by age had a same trend in sex and in city or suburbs.But in young month groups,the boy's BMI was larger than girl's (P<0.05).In large month groups,the city children's BMI was larger than suburbs'(P<0.05).[Conclusion]The obese children could be identified with BMI.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care