目的 评价小儿阑尾脓肿穿刺治疗的效果。方法 采用B超引导下穿刺抽脓治疗小儿阑尾脓肿 1 81例 ,同期行保守治疗 2 3例。结果 经穿刺抽脓治疗者较保守治疗者腹痛消失时间缩短 5 5d ,退烧时间缩短 5d ,腹部压痛消失时间缩短 6d ,住院时间缩短 6d ,住院费用减少 2 356元。穿刺治疗组未出现脓肿破溃 ,保守治疗组发生脓肿破溃 2例 ,其中死亡 1例。结论 B超引导下穿刺抽脓治疗小儿阑尾脓肿有见效快、安全、经济和创伤小的优点。当阑尾脓肿 >1cm× 2cm时即可行穿刺抽脓治疗。
ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of ultrasound guided pus aspiration for appendiceal abscess.MethodsPercutaneous puncture and pus aspiration was performed under guidance of B US on 181 patients with appendiceal abscess, result was compared with 23 patients treated conservatively.ResultsCompared with that of control group, in pus aspiration group abdominal pain lasted 5 5 days shorter,fever lasted 5 days shorter,tenderness did 6 days shorter, cost was 2?356 yuan less and hospital stay shortened by 6 days.ConclusionPus aspiration under B US guidance is a safe,simple,less cost and effective treatment for appendiceal abscess larger than 1?cm×2?cm in children patients.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery