Based on the principle and calibration of vapor pressure os-mometer and itsapplication in the thermodynamics of the aqueous solutions, the results on aqueous solutions ofmonomer glycol, PEG_(200), PEG_(400), PEG_(1500) and PEG_(2000) over the different concentrationrange at various temperatures were reported. Using a linear least-square fitting routing, theosmotic coefficients were fitted by a simple polynomial equation. It was found that the relationshipbetween the molar osmotic coefficients (Φ) and the molar concentration (c) of the solutions are ina quite good agreement with the fitted polynomial equation at various temperatures over thedifferent concentration range. The experimental results also show that over the studiedconcentration range and at various temperatures, the concentration dependence of the molar osmoticcoefficients of the aqueous solution systems with the solutes of PEG_(200), PEG_(400), PEG_(1500)and PEG_(2000) are totally presented in a rising trend, and their temperature dependence of theosmotic coefficients of the aqueous solution systems of the molar concentration exhibits their ownregularities, respectively. The aqueous glycol solution system exhibits the properties of the dilutesolution.
Based on the principle and calibration of vapor pressure os-mometer and itsapplication in the thermodynamics of the aqueous solutions, the results on aqueous solutions ofmonomer glycol, PEG_(200), PEG_(400), PEG_(1500) and PEG_(2000) over the different concentrationrange at various temperatures were reported. Using a linear least-square fitting routing, theosmotic coefficients were fitted by a simple polynomial equation. It was found that the relationshipbetween the molar osmotic coefficients (Φ) and the molar concentration (c) of the solutions are ina quite good agreement with the fitted polynomial equation at various temperatures over thedifferent concentration range. The experimental results also show that over the studiedconcentration range and at various temperatures, the concentration dependence of the molar osmoticcoefficients of the aqueous solution systems with the solutes of PEG_(200), PEG_(400), PEG_(1500)and PEG_(2000) are totally presented in a rising trend, and their temperature dependence of theosmotic coefficients of the aqueous solution systems of the molar concentration exhibits their ownregularities, respectively. The aqueous glycol solution system exhibits the properties of the dilutesolution.
theScientificResearchandDoctoralInitiationFoundationofNingxiaUniversity (No.0 12 2 0 2 )