
Molecular Thermodynamic Model for Polyelectrolyte Solutions with Added Salts

Molecular Thermodynamic Model for Polyelectrolyte Solutions with Added Salts
摘要 A molecular thermodynamic model of polyelectrolyte developed previously was extended to polyelectrolyte solutions with added salts.Thermodynamic properties,such as activity coefficients of polyelectrolytes or added salts and osmotic coefficients of solvent, of a number of aqueous mixtures of polyelectrolytes and salts are analyzed with the proposed model.Successful correlation is obtained in the range of moderate or higher polyion concentration.For the same sample,thermodynamic properties of polyelectrolytes with and without simple electrolytes can be predicted mutually using parameters from regression data. A molecular thermodynamic model of polyelectrolyte developedpreviously was extended to polyelec- trolyte solutions with addedsalts. Thermodynamic properties, such as activity coefficients ofpolyelectrolytes or added salts and osmotic coefficients of solvent,of a number of aqueous mixtures of polyelectrolytes and salts areanalyzed with the proposed model. Successful correlation is obtainedin the range of moderate or higher polyion con- centration. For thesame sample, thermodynamic properties of polyelectrolytes with andwithout simple electrolytes can be predicted mutually usingparameters from regression data.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第3期311-315,共5页 中国化学工程学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 29736170, 29876006).
关键词 polyelectrolyte solution molecular thermodynamic model activitycoefficient osmotic coefficient 分子热力学模型 聚合电解质溶液
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