
椭圆曲线上密码研究现状与展望 被引量:8

View of the Cryptology on Elliptic Curves
摘要 系统地论述了椭圆曲线密码 (ECC)理论研究的基本现状。比较了 ECC与经典公钥密码体系间的优劣 ,阐述了 Lenstra和 Verheul的工作 ;简要地描述了椭圆曲线上的基本算法及椭圆曲线的基本密码学性质 ;介绍了围绕密码学基础、安全性展开的椭圆曲线挑战情况和 ECC标准化状况 ,重点介绍了 ANSI标准X9.62—— ECDSA的主要内容 ,对 ECC的核心基础——椭圆曲线的离散对数问题 (ECDLP)算法及其攻击情况给出了详细的论述。最后分析了明文的 EC编码、典型 EC密码体制和快速 ECC研究状况 ,提出了今后公钥密码及 In this paper, the basic contents of the cryptology on elliptic curves are summarized. The ECC and classical public key cryptogram system are compared. The rule discovered by Lenstra and Verheul is presensed. A simple description is given to the basic arithmetic and cryptography property on elliptic curves. The case of the Certicom ECC challenge is displayed. Depiction is made of the main contents of the ANSI Standard X9.62--ECDSA. The discrete logarithm on elliptic curves and attacks against ECDLP is discussed in detail. Finally analysis is made of the EC coding, classical EC cryptosystem and the study about fast ECC. The possible directions and contents of the study on ECC are displayed.
作者 王衍波
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 2002年第6期18-25,共8页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 研究现状 椭圆曲线密码理论 离散对数 ANSI标准X9.62 公钥密码体制 密码学 ellitpic curves cryptology public key discrete logarithm ANSI standards X9.62 codeing
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