贴装头位置校准是贴片机中元件贴装前关键的一步 ,目的是通过上照视觉系统检测贴装头中心以使其与之同心 ,从而保证元件贴装精度。研究出一种采用绕贴装头中心旋转、并等角度分布于圆周上的多幅图像信息 ,根据正多边形几心合一的特点 ,把贴装头中心定位到亚像素级精度 ,实现了高精度贴装头位置校准 ,同时分析了机械传动系统精度对校准过程的影响。
The position calibration of the mounting head is a key step in mounting procedure,and its target is to eliminate the position errors between the center of the head and the center of the vision area so as to mount IC accurately.This paper presents a novel approach,using several images which are located in symmetrical circle position.According to the characteristic of multi center overlaped in equilateral polygon,this arithmetic reaches the sub pixel calibrating precision.At the same time,we analyze the error caused by the machine transmission.
Optical Instruments
上海市重点科技攻关项目资助项目 (2 1A3 65 9)