[目的 ]比较 HBV感染者的配偶 HBV感染情况。 [方法 ]采用 EL ISA法 ,分别在婚后的第 1、3、5年追踪检测HBV感染者配偶血液中的乙肝标志物。 [结果 ]男性感染者的配偶婚后 3次检测 HBs Ag的感染率分别为 30 %、4 4 %和5 8%;女性为 1 0 %、1 8%和 2 6 %,两组间配偶 HBs Ag感染率差异有显著性 (P值分别 <0 .0 5、<0 .0 1、<0 .0 1 )。男性为HBV感染伴有 HBe Ag阳性者 ,婚后其配偶 3次追踪检测 HBs Ag感染率分别为 4 2 %、6 3%和 6 8%;女性分别为 1 2 %、2 4 %、35 %,两组间差异同样有显著性。 [结论 ]男性为 HBV感染者 ,其 HBV传播给配偶的概率要大于女性 ;伴有HBe Ag阳性者要比仅 HBs
To compare HBV infection results between husband and wife who had been infected by HBV. By means of method ELISA, their HBsAg, HBeAg, anti HBc, anti HBs and anti HBe were examined at 1st, 3rd and 5th year after marriage. The HBsAg rates of females whose husbands were infected by HBsAg were 30%, 44% and 58% in the three tracking examinations;while the rates of males were 10%, 18% and 26% (P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.01). Meanwhile, if males are infected by HBsAg accompanied with HBeAg positive, the infection rates of females were 42%, 63% and 68%;While the rates of female's spouse were 12%, 24% and 35% (the significant levels were similar for the two groups). [Conclusion] If male is infected by HBV, the infectious chance of the spouse is higher;If someone was infected by HBV accompanied with HBeAg, the infectious chance of the spouse is higher than that of infected by HBsAg only.
Strait Journal of Preventive Medicine
hepatitis B
sexual transmission
infection by spouse
epidemiological investigation